Nothing's Impossible Christian Greetings

Ba1 - Baby and Bottles and Bibs Oh My!
We are so happy for you and thank God for your lives. The Lord equips those that he appoints so you have all that you need to raise your child in the ways of the Lord. May your quiver be full to the overflow with children. To God be all the glory, honor and praise for what he has done.

Ba2 - Congratulations on the Birth of Your Child
God has anointed mothers to be life givers. He planted a mighty seed within you and you have brought it to birth. May they grow in stature and make his mark in the earth. Congratulations.

Ba3 - A Blessing From the Lord is About to Make Their Entrance
Sleepless nights are about to become a part of your reality. There will be runny noses at times; diaper changes which are too many to count. You won't know whether it's morning or evening until the baby gets on your schedule. There will be lots of crying and I'm not just talking about the baby.

But above all that, there will be so much love in your heart for your child that I can't even describe to you until you hold them in your arms. So soft and delicate to the touch. Tears of joy as you look at them. Rely on the Holy Spirit to raise them in the way they shall go. May a powerful anointing to parent this child fall on both of you even now in Jesus name. Amen.

Ba5 - Your Child Is Here
Look what the Lord has done. Hallelujah! Count yourself blessed to be a mother. You have an awesome responsibility in training your child in the ways of the Lord. There is an honor bestowed on a godly mother and God has crowned you with His glory. I pray for good health, peace and prosperity over you, in Jesus Name. Amen.

What an honor to be appointed stewards over God's children. You will do well! Congratulations on your new baby. May the Lord continue to bless you with many years of fruitfulness.

Look what the Lord has done. Blessed is the fruit of your womb. May the Lord's love continue to abound towards you in every way.

Ba8 - Expecting God’s Best
As you're counting the days to when your child will be born know that God has placed miracle of his life and love inside of you. Blessed is the fruit of your womb. May the Lord's love continue to abound towards you in every way. May you experience a quick delivery and speedy recovery.

Ba9 - You’re Having a Baby
Through God's creative power, your child shall be born. May you seek God's wisdom in the training up of your child so that they may grow up to love God and reverence Him.

Ba10 - Baby Congratulations
The Lord has blessed you with stewardship over one of his most precious creations. Seek God for wisdom in the training up of your child. May you see the love of God reflected in the eyes of your baby.

Ba11 - The Privilege to be Parents
What a privilege and an honor it is to be parents. The Lord has already provided you with everything your child will need throughout his entire life. By faith you will appropriate it. The Lord has also equipped you with the anointing to raise this child so just follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as you have done with the first two. Continued blessings to you and your house as you abide under the canopy of God.