Nothing's Impossible Christian Greetings

Ma19 - On Your Wedding Day
I congratulate you and celebrate your glorious union. There is an anointing upon each of you for one
another. As you partake of each others grace you will begin to solidify and complete your marriage.
May the sweetness that God has brought to you remain. May your love endure the test of time.
Ma18 - I Thank God for your Marriage
I celebrate with you that God has joined your hearts in His love. May joy always be found when you
look into each others hearts through your eyes. May your home always be filled with peace and
contentment. I speak blessings of long life and prosperity. May the grace of God sustain you through
every challenge. May you always come through victorious. Father I seal this union in the precious
blood of Jesus. Be though glorified.
Ma17 - May Your Marriage Sparkle
May your marriage by like a diamond. When you look at a diamond, you can see that it has many
facets. When the light shines upon it, it begins to sparkle and light emanates from it. May the Lord
show you and your husband new facets of each other as His light shines upon you. May he take you
from one degree of glory to another as you put your trust in Him. I wish you nothing but God's best.
Ma16 - You are Now One in the Sight of God
Respect, honor and love to the uttermost. Use all the effort it took to win each other, in making your
marriage a glorious journey. Your marriage is between you and God. Keep it sacred. May your marriage
be resilient to all challenges because you stand on the Rock Christ Jesus. May your marriage be
brilliant because of the light of the glory of God shining within you and around you. Continue to
acknowledge God in all your ways and He will direct your path. I speak long life, peace, and prosperity
over you in the name of Jesus. You are a success story.
Ma15 - Sending My Love to You
The Lord wants you to know that his banner over you is his love. God's love will never fail in your life.
May his word to you keep you in perfect peace. May he renew your strength as the eagle. May you
remain strong in spirit as you give him the glory.
Ma14 - As You Renew Your Vows
Congratulations on the renewed commitment you both are making in the presence of Almighty God.
The Lord says in his word that if we confess him before men, he will confess us before angels. The Lord
is pleased with you. I pray for a fresh anointing of love to be poured out upon you. May your marriage
continue to be a testimony to the greatness of God.
Ma13 - One Heart, One Mind, One Love
May this divine connection never be broken. Let's continue to walk with God.
Ma12 - A Day of Remembrance
This is a day of remembrance of the love we will always share. Let's create new memories that will
last forever.
Ma11 - One Heart, One Mind, One Love
May you have many years of joy in becoming one in marriage.
Ma10 - May Your Marriage Always Bear Fruit
Congratulations on your union before God and man. We pray that your marriage will bring the
fulfillment of God's divine plan for both of you. May your love, care and respect for one another be a
godly example that will touch other lives and marriages. Father, we thank you for this divine
connection. Rain down your tangible blessings upon your children right now even as they read this
card. Bless them to the overflow with your love, peace, and prosperity. May your goodness and mercy
continue to follow them all the days of their lives, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Ma9 - Loving You
Let us grow old together.
Ma8 - To The One I Love
Our love began in the spirit and it shall end in the spirit. May the anointing that is on our marriage
continue to increase in Jesus Name. Amen.
Ma7 - May Jesus the Foundation of your Marriage
There is absolutely no other foundation for your marriage to withstand the test of time but on Christ
Jesus. He is the Rock of your salvation and the Pillar which supports your union. The Lord has given
both of you an anointing for each other that you will experience in every aspect of your married life.
As you submit to God he will exalt your marriage. Continue to acknowledge God in all your ways and
He will direct your path. I congratulate you and speak long life, peace and prosperity over you, in
Jesus name. Amen.
Ma6 - In Love With You
I Thank God daily for the love we share. It is pure and powerful. The cords that bind us together are
eternal. May God's grace continue to rain upon us.
Ma5 - Celebrating Oneness Spirit, Soul, and Body
We congratulate you. May your marriage be filled with perpetual fire and a love that increases more
and more with each new day. A strong solid marriage is one with God at its center. May you continue
to bring all marriage issues to the throne of His grace and power. Always walk together in agreement.
God will grant you your desires as you allow Him to lead and guide you in the light of His love. We
speak blessings of long life, peace and prosperity over you, in Jesus name. Amen.
Ma4 - To a Man Who is a King
You are true royalty in the Kingdom of God. It is not just in word but it is in character. May your words
always be with power to bless and strengthen others. I speak more life to your life. May the Lord add
new strength to your spirit, soul, and body. I am blessed to have you as my son.
Ma3 - Letting You Know How Much I Love You
You are a wonderful husband and excellent provider. Your love for me is evident in all that you say and
do. Your commitment to "us" is unquestionable. We have gone through many phases of marriage,
growing stronger and wiser with each year. I look forward to many more years of loving you and
growing together.
Ma2 - A Time of Love For Us
I know your heartbeat and you know mine. You utter my thoughts before I speak. When I look into your
eyes, I see love in its purest form. I thank God for you.
Ma1 - Happy Anniversary to my Husband
This is a day of remembrance of the love we will always share. Other than Jesus, you are the best thing
that has ever happened to me. You are everything that I ever wanted in a husband: loves the Lord, a
good provider, a meek and quiet spirit, never complains. You are my best friend. You complete my life.
Let us continue to create beautiful memories together.