Nothing's Impossible Christian Greetings

Christmas is about Christ and His love for mankind.
Front: Let Jesus Come in This Christmas
Inside: How do you let Jesus come in? First, you must believe in Him. Then you must call on Jesus and
invite Him into your life. Pray this simple prayer: “Father God, I believe in my heart that Jesus is your Son
and that he died on the cross for me. Jesus, I repent of my sins and ask you to come into my heart right
now and be my Lord and Savior. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with you.”
Lord I pray that the person reading this card is now filled with your Spirit. Surround them with your
peace and your joy this Christmas and in the years to come, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Front: Give Love This Christmas
Inside: It’s the best gift.
Front: Christmas is All About Jesus
Inside: Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. May His love touch you in a special way this Christmas.
Front: May You Have a Warm and Cozy Christmas
Inside: As you give and receive gifts this Christmas, think about how the Lord brought you through this
year. Wishing you a new year filled with His love.
Front: In Celebration of the Birth of Our Lord
Inside: Jesus is indeed the reason for the season. He is the greatest gift of all time from our Heavenly
Father. Remember this holiday as a time of giving more than receiving and you will be richly blessed.
Front: Celebrating The Light of His Glory
Inside: Let the light of the glory of God fill your heart this season and throughout the New Year.
Front: All Heaven Declares The Glory of Jesus Christ
Inside: This Christmas honor the King of Glory for whom this season is named. May God richly bless you
and your family.
Front: A Christmas Prayer For You
Inside: Lord bless the person that is reading this card. Reveal your love to them this Christmas season. Give
them your peace. Let your goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives. May your sweet spirit
never leave this home. Cover them and their family with your pure and holy love, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Front: Proclaim the Glory of the Lord This Christmas
Inside: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! This is the a time for all men to rejoice in the Lord; to thank Him for His
goodness and His mercies. May the Lord’s countenance be upon you and your family this Christmas and
throughout the years to come.
Front: Happy Birthday Jesus
Inside: Jesus Christ is the Son of God • He came to us in the flesh. • He came to us because of love. •
May the glorious light of His Love warm your hearts this Christmas.
Front: A Season of Peace
Inside: May the peace of God which passes our understanding, flood your heart and your home this
Christmas and remain with you forever.
Front: Wishing You a Merry Christmas Filled With Light
Inside: May the true light of Jesus shine all around you. May His love fill you and your family this
Christmas season and beyond.
Front: Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Inside: I thank God for your life. May the Lord bring you and your family extraordinary joy this Christmas
and in the coming New Year.
Front: Remembering Jesus
Inside: Who is the real reason for the season. Let’s celebrate Him.
Front: Peace be with You
Inside: Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. This is the season that we celebrate His birth. Take time to
remember the real meaning of Christmas, and know that Jesus is the greatest gift ever given to mankind.
May the peace of God fill your heart and warm your soul.
Front: The Light of Our Salvation is Come
Inside: As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, let us remember that He is the
light of the world. In His light we shall see light to love and care for each other more. Come into the
light His love this Christmas.
Front: True Meaning of Christmas
Inside: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to us in the flesh. He came to us because of love.
May the glorious light of His love warm your hearts this Christmas.
Front: Season’s Greetings
Inside: May the Lord bless your house with His love, His peace, and His goodness this Christmas and
throughout the New Year.
Front: The Light of Life
Inside: May God’s love light up your heart this Christmas Season.
Front: Rejoice Sing His Praises
Inside: Rejoice in His love • Rejoice in His goodness • Rejoice in grace • Rejoice in His mercy •
Rejoice because He’s God • Merry Christmas
Front: Joy To The World
Inside: As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus, know that He is King of kings and He sits
on a mighty throne. Declare His Lordship over your life today and allow Him to bless you. Give Him
thanks and praise for who He is and what He has done for you. May His glory be seen in your life this
season and beyond.